DECEMBER 9, 2006
Fished a cold and
blustery day for some tautog. Maybe that why we had
the entire Sea Girt Reef all to ourselves. Had Max,
and Doc. Billy Rhee out again for what was a slow pick of
tog until Big Moe hit. Well, those of that tog always
dream of not only catching , but landing a tog of this size.
Well, yours truly got the job done. The Boga Grip
scale dipped to 13 lbs. After some photo's and high
fives, the tog was released.
NOVEMBER 29, 2006
Got a call from
Captain Ed, who chartered us over a month ago for tuna, and
the told me that he wanted to take his boyz' out fishing one
last time before winter. Well, couldn't be more
delighted to have these guys back on, as was Rudy.
Captain Ed originally wanted to go for stripers but since
they were few and far between, I talked him into togging,
with the option if we saw some bass - we would do that too.
We had Bob, Lou,
Mark, Captain Mitch, and their fearless leader Captain Ed up
to S.H.Reef fishing a small high piece of structure towards
the southern end. Rudy gave a togging' 101 class in
the pit as the anchor got tight and within the first line,
over a 7 lb tog started the day off. The next few fish
were large as well, and the guys had Rudy and I bent over in
laughter. Well it seemed Captain Ed was really hearing
it from the guys, how he was struggling to catch his first
fish of the day. The tide soon turned for the man
financing the trip and catching all the "BS". Lapped
over in the corner, Captain Ed has his hands full.
After skillfully getting his fish out of the structure and
to the net, Captain Ed raised his pool winning 8 3/4 lb tog
high above the locked jaw crew.
After a few wiggles
on our spot and stop laughing it was time to head for home.
Final tally back at the dock - 25 keepers with 1/2 dozen
quality fish that went 5 3/4, 6, two 6 1/4, a 7, and an 8
3/4 lber. Rudy and I thank you guys very much, and are
looking forward to seeing you next year..
NOVEMBER 28, 2006
Fished a wreck off
of Seaside with Doc. Rhee, Max, and Rudy where the action on
the tog was slow to start, however the sea bass were
ferocious. The togging' soon came alive with some
really nice fish. When we lost the tide, the bite died
to just a pick. At one point we were fishing in tee
shirts... go figure..
NOVEMBER 26, 2006
Rich had some
friends out for a bottom trip to the reef. We had
Johnny Arizona back on the boat, as well as Fred (aqua "The
Iceman"), and his girlfriend Natalia. Fished a sunken
tugboat on the reef which held some nice life. We had
tog up to 6 lbs, some porgies, and some sea bass. Calm
seas, good company, and hungry fish... what could be better?.
NOVEMBER 21, 2006
Got to fish with a
long time friend who is in the area for a few weeks from
Hawaii. Spending the past few years in Hawaii, it came
as no surprise when Doc. Billy Rhee called and wanted to go
togging, and proved to me he is still a diehard fisherman.
So, out to the S.H.Reef we went finding action right away
and lasting throughout most of the day. Took home our
limit and the releases were countless, as were the smiles on
Doc' face..
NOVEMBER 19, 2006
Well, with the
weather and some nice seas, we ran out to Monsters Ledge for
yet another try on some tuna. Sure didn't look the
same as a week ago, and it proved to be true. No bites
on the tuna and only a few large bluefish to makeup the day.
Onboard were Rich and his neighbor Doug.
NOVEMBER 18, 2006
Fished one of the
wrecks on the Sea Girt Reef with Rich and good friend
Gerard, who, by the way, is always full of good energy and
spirits. Put together a decent catch of tog, some sea
bass, and a few porgies. Fun day on the water.
NOVEMBER 15, 2006
Rudy and I ran out
to the Sea Girt Reef on the 26' Regulator for 2 hours and
had good action with toggers.
NOVEMBER 11, 2006
Tried our luck back
in the Mudhole fishing around Monster Ledge for blue fin
tuna. Just Rich, Rudy, and myself onboard today.
Before setting up, we saw some porpoise in the area, which
was nice. Wasn't long before the bluefish found us and
the tying of new hooks began. The work paid off, and
we managed our first blue fin of the day - close to 50 lbs -
the fish was released.
NOVEMBER 5, 2006
Fished the Sandy
Hook Reef with my brother Max, and Captain Anthony on the
Dead Eel for some tautog. We took home 2 dozen out of
an estimate of 50 tog, the largest going 8 pounds.
OCTOBER 31, 2006
Ran back out to the
Ledge, this time with Rich and Shawn, seems they wanted in
on the action too. Looked over both the east and west
side of the ledge - didn't see much in terms of fish - but
there was tons of bait. Back on the west side we set
up and had a good run off only to pull the hook. Well
that was the only bite of the day. With the sea
getting uglier by the hour and no sign of the wind letting
up we called it a day. Only made 15 knots on the way
home with lots of white water, just ask Shawn...
OCTOBER 27, 2006
Fished on the 26
Regulator with Rudy and Capt. Anthony (aqua THE EEL).
Back to the Mudhole we went in search of some school blue
After getting to the Ledge a little late we dropped the hook
on the west side. Wasn't long before we had our first
bite and yes it was a tuna, however we missed 'em.
Twenty minutes later Rudy had one on quickly followed by as
second rod going off. I set the hook and the battle
was on. the only problem was Rudy and I got tangled
up, and tin the process of over and under my fish ran and
cut Rudy's clean off. After honestly getting a little
ass kickin' we boated and released an estimated 50 lbs
blue fin. Sorry Rudy. Well he got his chance
again and I'm still wondering who caught who. A half
hour later another 50 lber released on a twenty pound out
fit. Ended the day going 2 for 6. have to say it
was really nice to see some tuna back in the hole.
OCTOBER 21, 2006
Had Rich and friends
Michael P from CT, Brian and Scott from Maryland, and Sandy
from NY out for bass/bottom fishing. Bass were no
where to be found and the sea bass, porgies, and tog were all
on the small side. Maybe it had something to do with
the 20-25mph NW winds - I don't know - go figure.
Caught one bass, approximately 18lbs.
OCTOBER 15-16, 2006
Chartered by Capt.
Ed and his friends/employees for an overnight chunking trip.
headed to the east wall of the Hudson along with every other
boat on the east coast, this was where the best water was.
Arriving before sunset we went on the drift jigging in
sloppy 4-5' seas. Had some marks but no takers and the
drift was really fast. Spent some time looking around
for a spot to anchor. Besides there being about 70
boats in the area, the squid boats (10 of them to be exact)
were dragging the edge. Many boats were losing their
anchors to the squid boats, who didn't seem to have a care
for the tuna boats. Not wanting to put the safety of
our crew in jeopardy, or wishing to lose our anchor, we
spent the night making short drifts through the fleet.
Around 5:30am after getting rocked all night, some of the
boats that did anchor were into the fish. We looked to
drop the hook and there wasn't much room. Unable to
get in the area we stayed on the drift and conditions were
starting to improve. Finally we had a few bites,
unfortunately we didn't capitalize on it. Then with
some relief we boated a yellow fin around 8:00am.
Usually by 8:00am we would've been an hour into our trip
home, however Capt. Ed and his crew were the most
experienced and not to mention funny, kind, and down to
earth. So we made an exception for them to stay longer
and put some fish in the boat. Well, the fish were
hard to come by. We marked fish under the boat every
drift - most of which had lock jay except a few. Four
long fin spiced up the catch and put a smile on our faces.
e really worked hard for these fish that ranged 45-55
pounds; it just seemed like everything was against us from
the beginning. Capt. Ed and crew - we would love to
have you back - thanks for being so patient and helping out.
Also thanks NOAA for that wonderful forecast, your 2-3' was
more like 5-7'.
OCTOBER 3-4, 2006
Capt. Bob Pisano
invited me on a fun trip aboard the Antoinette. We
headed towards the Carteret Canyon with owner Teddy, His
close friend Dominick, Frank and his son Craig, along with
two very good friends of mine- Capt. Scott and Capt.
Anthony. Anchored a few miles North of the Carteret
where the tail end of a warm eddy was. Beautiful blue
73 degree water with lots of bait. It didn't take long
for the tuna to show up. Had 4 yellows by 10pm with a
little lull until about 2am. Started marking a lot of
fish with a bite here and there, and wasn't long until they
went on the feed. By dawn we stopped fishing, putting
11 more yellow fin in the 60-90lb. range and 2 large long
going 62 and 65lbs. Also, pulled the hook on a
swordfish just out of gaff range. Thanks for the call
OCTOBER 1, 2006
Fished some wrecks 5
to 7 miles off the beach for sea bass. We caught 46
sea bass up to 3 pounds, clams and spearing were the choice
bait. Onboard for the day were Rich, Iceman, Stanley,
Johnny V, Rudy and myself.
SEPTEMBER 26, 2006
Myself and Rudy took
the 26' Regulator out again for giant tuna in the Mudhole.
This time we fished The Arundo, here we had some bluefish
again and very possibly marked our first giant of the year.
SEPTEMBER 21-22, 2006
Rudy and myself were
invited on a canyon trip with a friend of ours, Capt. Lenny
, who runs the Xiphais out of Brielle Yacht Club.
Headed out with his boss and some friends of his to the east
wall of the Hudson Canyon. Anchoring in 600 ft. we
caught 9 yellow fins from 60-80 lbs. along with a
swordfish in the 100 pound class.
SEPTEMBER 19, 2006
Heard of some talk
about Giant Blue fins in the Mudhole so Rudy and myself had
to check it out first hand. Set up around the Monster
Ledge where we caught bluefish and dogfish - no signs what
so ever of any tuna.
SEPTEMBER 18, 2006
Had Rich and
friends, Gene and Linda, from Philly out for a shot lunch
cruise. Lunch came from Philly and boy was it good.
Philly cheese steaks all around, Rudy was in heaven.
SEPTEMBER 9-10, 2006
Rich, Rudy, and
myself got invited on a fun trip aboard the Lil'Rascals.
This is the boat we fished the MA 500 with owner, Larry
Grafis. We fished the 100 Square where we spent the
night chunking. We went 1 for 5 on yellow fins and 1
for 2 on long fin.
Did a lunch cruise
with Rich, Iceman and friends up to Barh's Restaurant in
AUGUST 19-25, 2006 MID
Had the pleasure of
running Larry Graffis' boat, a 55ft Hatteras, where he and
Rich went in as partners for the tournament. The crew
onboard were Rich, Larry and his son Mike, Rudy, myself, and
Rich's friend Glenn. The tournament was Monday through
Friday, held out of Cape May, and you could fish any three
days of the five. The MA 500 is strictly a marlin and
tuna tournament where the white marlin usually pays out well
over $500,000.00 to the winner.
We fished Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Thursday - these were the best days for sea
conditions. We focused on strictly fishing for white
marlin. We went 2 for 13 on whites, neither of the 2
met the size requirements so they were released.
Unfortunately we did miss quite a few fish. Guess
that's why they call it fishing instead of catching.
We fished mainly in 500 fathoms east of the Carteret, on up
to Toms and Hendrickson Canyon where we found blue 80 degree
water. We were running 100 miles out on average which
made for 3 long days.
Everyone did their
job and worked hard. We all had a great time, a big
thank you to my crew... There's always next year.
AUGUST 17, 2006
Fished for fluke up
off of The Red Church with Rich, Richs godson Evan, Laurie,
Cassondra, and Diandra. The few hours we fished did
produce 4 keepers from 2 1/2 to 5 lbs, and many throwbacks.
AUGUST 13-14, 2006
I got an invite to
fish with Captain Bob Pisano, who if you don't know was one
of, if not, the best giant tuna fisherman of his time.
He still runs a private sportfish out of Shark River at the
age of 75.
Two other good
friends of mine were on the boat as we headed for The Hudson
Canyon... Captain Scott Attaway, and Captain Anthony
Azzariti. Set up for the chunk and put 2 yellow fins in
the boat right away that went 45 and 60 lbs. The rest
of the night was quiet. Did manage a small sword and a
blue shark. In the morning the troll produced one more
yellow fin, about 40 lbs.
AUGUST 11, 2006
Pulled out of the
slip at midnight and put us on a course for The Lindy.
Onboard were Rich, "The Ice Man", Rudy, and myself. On
the troll just before sunrise we searched around for some
life. Talked to some guys who fished that night and
said it was slow, so we worked our way up to the north
towards The Carteret. Got a call from Philly on The
Canyon Runner who was into a good bite. Knowing he was
only a few miles in the direction we were heading... we
picked up an ran.
Only took a few
minutes to get the first bite of the morning which would
only be followed by 10 more. Finished the day at noon
with 11 yellow fins 30-55 lbs. Almost all of the fish
were caught on spreader bars.
AUGUST 6, 2006
Had Rich, his
brother Mike, and Mikes son Josh out for a day of fluke
fishing. Fished south of the inlet where we found
plenty of shorts but no keepers. Moved offshore in
deeper water with some structure, and found 2 keepers along
with some sea bass.
AUGUST 5, 2006
Mike Meanie and two
of his friends chartered us for a bluefish trip.
Fished out at 17 Fathoms where it didn't take long to get
the fish biting. Had 2 and 3 fish on consistently for
3 hours, released 80 fish and only kept a few for the table.
AUGUST 2, 2006
Had our first canyon
trip of the year and a successful one at that. We had
Freddie Radilik, his fiancé Julia, and her father out for a
day troll on the west side of the Hudson Canyon. The
day started off slow with a yellow, followed a while later
by a long fin - until all hell broke loose. Found 3
whales feeding on bait and with the first pas we went 3 for
5 on yellow fins. The next pass went 4 for 6... once
again all yellow fins. We managed one more in that same
location before the charter decided to call it quits.
1 long fin was 40 lbs, and 9 yellow fin were 30 - 60 lbs... oh
yeah... and a small mahi.
JULY 30, 2006
Rich had a very
special guest, and some friends out today. If any of
you follow professional kickboxing, you will know this guy,
Fred "The Iceman", a world kickboxing champion. I saw,
and wore the big belt. What an incredible individual
and a kind-hearted man. I can honestly say that I
wouldn't want to piss him off, or even think about getting
in the ring with him.
Oh yeah, we did
fish, and put together a small catch of fluke. Our
other two guests were Kim, Valentina, and Larry.
JULY 26, 2006
Shoved off at 5:30am
for the long journey home. Sure was a great trip all
around. Wonderful people and friends, beautiful sites,
mouth watering dinners and outstanding fishing. Thanks
again Rich for a wonderful trip and the hard work from
Frankie and Rudy.
JULY 25, 2006
Some new and now
great friends of ours that we met up a that the tournament
told us about a good bite on blue fin tuna 8 1/2 miles off of
Block Island. We had to go and see first hand, and
made the 35 mile run from Newport. We arrived on the
grounds around 7 am, and shortly after that, Cliff, our new
friend showed up on his boat as well. Trolling the
area, we marked bait and tunas but were unsuccessful in
getting them to bite, as was the same for Cliff.
Headed Eat a little where we found some scallop boats
working the area. Trolled behind them and saw nothing.
So, decided to start trolling towards Newport over some good
bottom. Here we had one fish come up and miss the
spreader bar 3 times. Oh well. Cliff did manage
one blue fin about 70 lbs... good going. We later heard
the bite did die off after the tropical storm passed.
JULY 24, 2006
Had the absolute
pleasure of taking Cousin Stevie , Cheryl, Laurie and Walter
out fluke fishing on his 79th birthday. I just want
everyone to know that this guy fished all day... and I mean
all day! He would take a quick drink an maybe a bite
to eat between drifts, and right back to fishing. A
machine this guy is folks! Walter, sorry the fishing
was on the slow side, but you and everyone else managed some
nice fish. Fluke up to 5 1/2 lbs. Wish you the
best and hope t see you again next year.
JULY 23, 2006
Left the Vineyard
and headed to our next destination - Newport, RI, where we
would spend the next 3 days with some wonderful friend's of
JULY 22, 2006
Day 2, the last and
final day of the tournament, spirits were high and the hopes
of getting a qualifier were even greater. Well, today
the wind decided to blow even stronger and by the afternoon
we were a rockin' and a rollin'. Despite the
conditions, we fished the same spot - and who wouldn't!
Things got off to a slow start and the water color and
temperature wasn't what had been, but we were still
confident in pulling a large shark out of this are.
We managed a few
blue sharks and were wondering if we would see a mako.
Well, Mr. Mako did show up and it was a good one.
Taking a bluefish fillet and a screaming run, Rudy grabbed
the rod an we all had a feeling this was one for the scales.
As the shark was running, Rudy engaged the drag to strike,
and hit the shark hard with some short pumps to set the
hook. So, the normal routine followed with putting the
harness on the angler, firing up the engines, and clearing
the rods. We fish with a lot of drag so we can figure
out early what size fish we are dealing with. Well,
this fish never stopped taking the drag at a high rate of
speed, and pretty much laughed at our 29 lbs of strike.
Now we knew for certain this was big mako, and before you
knew it, he was gone. With the line still screaming
off the reel - the hook pulled, somehow the fillet folded
over the hook and it just didn't penetrate.
With only a few
hours left, we released 4 blue sharks and kept pondering
about the one that got away. We'll just never know.
In all we sure didn't complain, I mean how could you - with
the fishing we experienced. 10 makes, 3 threshers, and
6 blue sharks. I rest my case...
My crew was
absolutely top notch and professional as they get, that
includes you as well Rich - you worked hard and fought some
real monsters. Thanks guys - this is definitely one we
will never forget.
JULY 21, 2006
Day one of the
tournament. With a tropical storm passing within 75
miles of us that night, we were all wondering if we or
anyone would get out and fish. At 8am we heard the
forecast had changed and a few boats were heading out.
We figured we would take a shot too. The seas ran
about 6 to 8 feet and was safe enough to fish.
Getting to the same
grounds we fished just 2 days ago, took some time and some
patience. We were all excited to see if the sharks
stuck around. Within the first hour we missed a mako,
but only to be followed by a day we will never forget.
From 1:45pm until lines out at 5:30pm, we caught and
released 7 makos from 60 lbs to qualify, and blue sharks had
to be 300 lbs or better. This is why they call it "The
Monster Shark Tournament"
I really didn't
think anything could've topped out practice day, but 7 makos
and 3 that were estimated to be 125, 180, and 200 lbs ...
come on!
JULY 19, 2006
Left Montauk around
5:30am and made a 76 mile run to look over a spot before the
tournament starts on Friday. The area we picked out
proved to be a good choice. In only 3 hours of fishing
we released 3 makos up to 125lbs, and 3 threshers that
estimated 150, 200, and 350 lbs. Too bad it wasn't a
tournament day. What an awesome 3 hours of fishing -
it doesn't get much better than this! From here we ran
25 miles into the Vineyard, where we would be spending the
next 4 days.
JULY 18, 2006
Spent the last week
getting the boat ready to fish the Monster Shark Tournament
up in Martha's Vineyard. Left Manasquan around 7am and
arrived up in Montauk that afternoon. Our crew for the
tournament is Rick, Rudy, our good friend Frankie, who also
fished with us last year, and myself.
JULY 9, 2006
Tried our luck
hoping to find some stripers still lurking around off
Highlands and the Rocks. Caught some bluefish, but no
bass to speak of.
JULY 8, 2006
Had Rich and his
brother out for a day of shark fishing. Fished the
Glory Hole where we had no wind or drift, and very little
life, so we moved over to the Mud Hole on the east side.
Same conditions existed here as well, so we called it a day
around 3 o'clock with nothing to show for our strong effort.
JULY 4, 2006
Tried our luck on a
busy day for some bass with Rich and Rudy. Got bait
outside the inlet and ran up to the north and found the
action to be slow everywhere. Did manage 4 bass up to
24lbs. and some large gators. Finished the day up just
before mother nature's fireworks. Happy 4th of July.
JUNE 23-25, 2006
We were chartered
for the Mako Mania and the Jersey Coast Shark Tournaments.
We fished all 3 days with Dominick, Tom, Mario, and Sean.
These guys are die-hard shark fisherman who charter us every
year and are always a pleasure to have onboard.
Day 1 - We took a
beating traveling down towards the Fingers in solid 6-foot
seas. Here we caught 2 blue sharks, followed by a
small mako that measured 2 inches over the requirement.
On the scales it went 117lbs... not heavy enough to qualify.
Day 2 - The seas
were a little calmer and thought we would try our luck out
towards the Glory Hole and Rockpiles. Here we fought
and released seven blue sharks and missed our only really
good run off of the day, most likely "Mr. Mako".
Day 3 - Fished
southwest side of the Chicken Canyon up on the edge and
managed 2 blue sharks and a mako about 100lbs, all were
Hope to see you guys
next year, and some bigger mako's too! Thank you
again, and thank you Rudy for your work in the pit.
JUNE 21, 2006
Had Rich, his father
Jack, Andy and Steve (friends of Jack's) and Rudy, out for a
bass trip up to the Rocks, and off Highlands Bridge.
We put a great catch together keeping 5 bass and releasing a
few others. Heaviest bass went 43lbs - what a
beauty... followed by a 30lber, 23, 21, and a 18lber.
Live bunker and dead produced.
JUNE 18, 2006
Rudy and Mullet
fished just north of Seaside around the bunker schools and
caught 4 bass up to 23lbs.
JUNE 13, 2006
Ran up to the Rocks
in the afternoon with Rudy where we took some decent bass on
live bunkers.
JUNE 11, 2006
Rudy had the small
boat out by himself and landed four bass on spoons at the
JUNE9, 2006
for her sea trial to test the new rebuilds. The Boat
ran great!
JUNE 3, 2006
Fished the Hi Mar
Striped Bass Tournament on Saturday with Rich and Rudy.
Had a decent day of fishing but couldn't find the big one's.
Our heaviest fish went 24lbs.
MAY 29, 2006
Had a fireman's
Memorial Day Parade to attend so Rudy had Rich and his
father Jack went out fluke fishing. With the water
temps still a little cool for fluke, caught 2 keepers and 15
MAY 28, 2006
After yesterdays
poor showing of bass, we tried some bottom fishing on the
Sandy Hook Reef. Here we put together a catch of tog,
sea bass, and porgies. 10 keeper sea bass and 4 go.
Rich, Constantine, Rudy, and myself.
MAY 27, 2006
With the action slow
in the area, we made a run up to fish West Bank off of
Chapel Hill Channel for bass. After netting bait in
the harbor we got to the gounds just as the bite was dying
off. Got one bass and a bunch of blues. Called
it an early day with all of the Memorial Day boat traffic.
Onboard were Rich, Johnny "B", Rudy, and myself.
MAY 24, 2006
Bringing the boat
back down to Manasquan, my brother Max jumped onboard, for
he knew we would stop and fish somewhere. He was
right, and caught fish we did. Had the bass off Asbury
with the bunkers and managed 13 bass 25 to 30lbs.
These fish fought like they were on steroids.
MAY 20-21, 2006
Brought the boat up
to the Highlands area for a weekend ASA Bass Tournament held
out of Bahr's Landing. This is one of the largest bass
tournaments to come through our area with a lot of team
sponsored boats. Only one fish can be weighed per day,
and the total of your 2 day- 2 fish combined weight depicts
1st through last.
On day one, we stuck
to our game plan and it paid off. Finding some fish in
60ft of water, and having live bait, I knew we would pull a
big fish from this spot. Sure enough, the third fish
caught went 37lbs and we had a good feeling this would place
us in the top three. At weigh-in on day one, our fish
was in 1st with the next closest being 4 pounds behind.
Day two and spirits
high, we once again stayed with our strategy. Found
fish short of our first stop, breaking the surface chasing
bunkers. We stopped the boat and had fish on
instantly, only these fish only averaged in the low 20lb
class. Got a call from a friend who was catching big
fish, and made the 3 mile run, where our day was going to
being originally. Manager a 32lber here, which we knew
we needed to stay close to the top of the leader board.
Back at Bahr's for final weigh-in and tensions were high.
Caught rumor on the docks a 44lb fish was weighed and the
hopes of 1st place dwindled. A boat in 4th place on
day one had the big fish, and bumped us to 2nd.
2nd place sounds
good enough to me. Special thanks to my crew. Rich and
Rudy - great job as always. Was also nice to see the
top 4 finishers go to the local captains in the area, and
not the team boats.
MAY 18, 2006
Rich, Rudy, Johnny
"B", and myself were back at the rocks with the spoons.
Caught our limit of bass ranging up to 32lbs, and released
another six.
MAY 17, 2006
Fished on the Dead
Eel today, a 23 Regulator, with two food friends of mine -
Capt. Scott Attaway, and Capt. Anthony Azzaritti. Left
from the Highlands area and ran up into the Raritan Reach
for a busy day of bass fishing. Had the tanks full
with live bunkers and in no time had some tight lines.
After the ride changed, the fishing turned red hot.
Each drift produced multiple double and triple headers.
Final estimated count for the day, was over 40 fish up to
30lbs - all but one fish was released.
MAY 14, 2006
Back out again
hoping for the same action as yesterday. Didn't find
the bunker, but we did find the bass. Had the fish on
the rocks and managed some more off of Deal on the spoons.
Along with Rich, Rudy, and myself was Rich's sons' good
friend Josh. He caught his largest bass to date... a
23lber, and is a natural with the spooning rods.
MAY 13, 2006
Had a banner day
bass fishing with live bunkers and trolling spoons.
Had the bass early on the spoons, then the bunker showed up
and it was fishing at it's best. Rich, Rudy, and
myself caught our limit of 25 to 33lb bass and released 34,
all in the same size bracket. Wish we had a film crew.
MAY 7, 2006
Fished just North of
the Manasquan Inlet. The bunkers showed up early along
the beach so we gave it a go... We caught one bass and
some monster bluefish. Think it just needs a few more
days to develop.
MAY 6, 2006
Dusted off the
spooning rods and headed up to the Shrewsbury Rocks for some
trolling. Had 12 bass up to 20lbs. Fish were all
caught early in the AM on green and yellow spoons.
Rich, Rudy, and myself were The Charter.
MAY 4, 2006
Rich and Rudy made a
trip out to the Sea Girt Reef and put together a catch of
tog, sea bass, ling, and a cod.
APRIL 26, 2006
Headed up to Great
Kills, Staten Island, for some early live lining action on
the striped bass. Had trouble netting bunkers in the
harbor which ate up some time and ended up missing the bite.
Was great to see the bunkers around and finally fishing for
some bass.
APRIL 25, 2006
Tried the Sea Girt
Reef for some tog and turned out to be very slow.
Water temp 51 degrees.
APRIL 15, 2006
Made a run out to
try our hand at some blackfishing. Proved to be a
good call because they were snapping. Rich, Johnny
"B", Rudy and myself fished a spot in 65ft of water and
a sea temp of 47 degrees. Kept our limit out of 25
tog that came over the side with average weight of 5lbs
on up to 9lbs. Green crabs were the choice of
bait; a lot of dogfish on clams.
APRIL 14, 2006
getting new rebuilds on the engines and a completion
date around the first week in June, all trips posted for
the time being are on THE BIG BOY II (The Regulator 26).
Fished the
Manasquan River for some winter flounder with Rich, his
brother Jeff and his two sons Spencer and Evan, and 1st
Mate Rudy. Despite a chilly day and wishing I was
still in Florida, the gang managed 7 flatties and some
Set off to Florida
on March 1st in Rich's Denali and the 26 Regulator (THE BIG
BOY II) close behind. Twenty-six hours later we
arrived at our final destination - Fort Lauderdale.
For the next thirty days... this would be home.
With March being the
so called "windy month", we did manage quite a few trips.
We caught a small variety of bottom fish, along with king
fish, mahi mahi's, and the always acrobatic sailfish.
The water temps were in the 70's, and I think that it only
rained twice.
When we weren't
fishing, we cruised the intercoastal waterway. Here we
found some great restaurants for lunch and dinner. The
outside bars were a hit for sunset cruises.
During our stay,
numerous quests came down to visit. Here's a list:
Bob O, Michael "Fish Eye" P, Billy A, Shawn, Carrie, Laura,
Cousin Stevie, Cousin Cheryl, Brother Jeff, Niece Rachel,
Marco and his mother, and George from Chicago.
Personally, I had such a wonderful time with each and
everyone of these individuals - thank you, and especially